Here’s another fun session from last August with the Boise Family that I’ve been wanting to share . In true San Francisco fashion, when I met up with Lauren, Brian and their daughter Siena along the Marina, it was a perfectly foggy, cold and windy summer morning. :P A nice break from the LA heat but not so awesome for outdoor family photos. But no matter, they were total troupers and little Miss Siena brought all the sunshine we needed!
From the waterfront, we headed up the road to the Fort Mason Community Garden which I loved not only because it had amazing views of the city or that I’m a big plant nerd but also because it was an extra special spot for their family where they often go together, which makes the photos that much more meaningful.
All that said, the thing I love most about this set of photos is that they capture little Siena’s personality so perfectly, something I knew her parents really wanted to document. I loved her silliness, her curiosity and her honesty all on that beautiful, expressive face.